Monday, January 28, 2019

Cyberbulling: 21st century terrorist


   Cyberbulling is an epidemic effecting many lives from all ages.  Every day we are bombarded with many images of cyber bullying.  From internet memes making fun of people to horrible people in the comment sections.  I have seen images making fun of overweight people, people with disabilities and people with deformities, they are captioned with a mean spirited jab and people with comment things like “I’m going to hell for laughing” or “I hope they die”. It’s awful seeing your normal everyday joe becoming a cyberbulling terrorist when they log onto social media.  People think they can hide behind the internet but the fact of the matter is, everything will catch up to them.  With the internet expanding every growing day, it’s more likely a potential employer, partner or family member could see your mean comments.

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